Club Rules: Goldsworth Park Lake
These rules are to be read in conjunction with the Pike and Carp Rules.
All by-laws made by Surrey County Council, Woking Borough Council, Thames Water and the Environment Agency (Thames Region) that affect the club’s waters and its surrounding areas must be complied with at all times.
Environment Agency Rod licences are required and must be carried when fishing.
No lake user shall cause nuisance to other lake users, residents or passers-by.
No angler shall interfere with wildlife or vegetation.
Fishing shall be by rod and line only.
All fish must be returned to the water alive and in good condition.
No fishing from platform 10 on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays.
Fishing is only permitted from numbered platforms (No fishing from platforms 4 and 37 at any time).
Juniors under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult.
Disabled anglers take priority on designated platforms.
Each person fishing must have an assembled landing net available to them at all times and sharing or landing nets across separate swims (pegs) is not permitted.
Any angler who in the opinion of any bailiff has consumed, or has in their possession, an excessive amount of alcohol will be required to cease fishing and vacate the bank.
Any angler who in the opinion of any bailiff is under the influence or has in their possession any drugs or illegal items will be required to cease fishing and vacate the bank.
No litter, hooks, shot or line to be left on the bank (Including cigarette ends, teabags etc.).
No access to the fenced wildlife area, except for maintenance work as agreed by the club committee.
No night fishing without a night permit. Daylight ends ½ hour after sunset.
A maximum of three rods on day tickets only may be used at any one time (Goldsworth Park Lake).
Pike fishing from 1st October to 31st March only (This includes all forms of lure fishing).
All hooks larger than size 16 must be BARBLESS, size 16 and under may be micro barbed.
No carp or pike to be kept in keep nets or sacks (refer to Pike and Carp Rules).
A maximum of 50lb of fish (per keep net) may be retained for a maximum of 6 hours.
All keeps nets, landing nets, weigh slings and unhooking mats MUST be dry before fishing any club waters.
No lead core. Protective tubing of a minimum of 30cm / 12inch must be used when carp fishing.
No nut baits. No bloodworm. No plastic baits such as corn, maggots, meat, etc.
No surface fishing on Goldsworth Park Lake.
No rods to be left unattended at any time.
No fires or barbecues to be lit, camping stoves are permitted.
No camping, anglers "bivvies" are permitted (Goldsworth Park Lake).
No fishing match may be organised on any club water without permission of the club committee.
- The advertising of fish caught may only be advertised with the permission of the clubs committee.
- The maximum length of time a night permit holder may fish per session is 72hrs and must not return for a period of 24hrs.
Anglers not complying with the conditions above will be required to cease fishing and vacate the bank-side at the request of a club appointed bailiff or any officer of the council. Non-compliance may also result in the angler losing their permit subject to an appeal.