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Club Rules: Brookwood Ponds


These rules are to be read in conjunction with the Goldsworth Park Lake Rules and the Pike and Carp Rules.

  1. All by-laws made by Surrey County Council, Woking Borough Council, Thames Water and the Environment Agency (Thames Region) that affect the club’s waters and its surrounding areas must be complied with at all times.

  2. Environment Agency Rod licences are required and must be carried when fishing.
    2a. Fishing by rod and line only.

  3. No fishing on ponds 1 and 3.

  4. No angler shall interfere with wildlife or vegetation.

  5. BARBLESS hooks only.

  6. A maximum of 2 rods may be used, only when room allows with consideration to other anglers.

  7. No carp or pike to be retained in keep nets, sacks, etc. thus must be returned to the water ASAP.

  8. No pike or lure fishing between the 1st April and the 30th September.

  9. No night fishing.

  10. No camping.

  11. No alcohol or drugs.

  12. No fishing without a landing net or disgorger, an unhooking mat is highly recommended and must be used when carp or pike fishing.

  13. The use of keep nets may be restricted during hot weather.

  14. No fires or barbecues to be lit.

  15. Juniors under the age of 12 MUST be accompanied by an adult.

  16. All fish must be returned to the water alive and in good condition, and must NOT be moved from one pond to another or too or from the canal.


Anglers not complying with the conditions above will be required to cease fishing and vacate the bank-side at the request of a club appointed bailiff or any officer of the council. Non-compliance may also result in the angler losing their permit subject to an appeal.

Goldsworth Park Angling Club

Established 2015
Managing angling at Goldsworth Park Lake and Brookwood Ponds, under license with Woking Borough Council.

Find Out More

Contact : Roger Westcott

​Telephone : 07779896393


Contact : Richard Sadler 

Telephone : 07817474257

For match related enquiries contact the club secretary

Privacy Policy


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